What does REDD+ mean?
REDD+ is an acronym for Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation including conservation, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries.
What are safeguards?
Safeguards are measures to ensure social and environmental risks are minimized and benefits enhanced throughout the implementation of REDD+ actions/interventions. UNFCCC REDD+ safeguards refer to “a list of recommended principles and actions to be “promoted and supported” and under the World Bank, they refer to “a set of very discreet operational policies and procedures that ensure a do no harm approach to project management” (Lee, 2011).
Who or what is being safeguarded?
Forest ecosystems, people/communities and the REDD+ programme.
What safeguards are being applied in Ghana?
Ghana is meeting the seven (7) Cancun Safeguards, World Bank, National, Green Climate Fund (GCF), AfDB and other donor safeguards requirements.
Why the need for safeguards?
According to the Cancun Agreement, countries need to meet four elements in order to receive results-based payment under the REDD+ programme. They are developing a REDD+ Strategy, Reference levels/Reference Emission Levels, National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) and Safeguards Information System (SIS).
What is the Safeguards Information System (SIS)?
The SIS is a web-based platform that provides information on how safeguards are being addressed (on paper) and respected (on the ground) throughout implementation of REDD+ actions/interventions.
Is the SIS accessible to all?
Yes it is. As part of it’s attributes, it has to be transparent and accessible to all stakeholders. The SIS has a frontend (public) and a backend (administrators).
What does FGRM mean?
FGRM refers to the Feedback and Grievance Redress Mechanism. The FGRM describes the operational modalities for receiving and addressing project related grievances or feedback and how such grievances are resolved.
Who can I report my feedback or grievances to?
You can file a feedback or grievance online (via the SIS platform), call the FGRM hotline(s) or walk to any nearest regional or district Forestry Commission Office in the presence of a witness.
What does PCIs mean?
PCIs stands for Principles, Criteria and Indicators developed to provide specific indicators to measure safeguards activities on the ground.
Principle AP 1: Consistency with objectives of national forest programmes
Criteria AC 1: REDD+ interventions complement the objectives under Ghana’s national forest programmes.
Indicator AQ 1a: Evidence of consistency and alignment of interventions with the objectives of national forest programmes.
Indicator AQn 1a: Number (or percentage) of Corporate Plans, HIA Management Plans, Forest Reserve Plans, District Assembly Medium Term Development Plans, Projects, etc. which complement national forest programmes.
Indicator AQn 1b: Percentage of planned actions initiated and implemented.
Principle AP 2: Consistency with objectives of international conventions and agreements applicable to REDD+ in Ghana
Criteria AC 2: REDD+ interventions are consistent with international conventions/agreements
Indicator AQ 2a: Description of how REDD+ interventions are consistent with the objectives of international convention
Indicator AQn 2a: Number of Corporate Plans, Annual Work Plans, Projects, etc. which are consistent with international conventions and agreements