Countries receiving FCPF funding for readiness preparation through the World Bank are required to ensure compliance with the FCPF Readiness Fund’s common approach to environmental and social safeguards for multiple delivery partners.
The Environmental Assessment Regulations, L.I. 1652, was promulgated in 1999 to give comprehensive legal cover to the Ghana Environmental Impact Assessement Procedures. The Environmental Assessment Regulation 1999, was amended in 2002.
REDD+ safeguards are to avoid negative social and environmental impacts but rather enhance benefits. The Government of Ghana has committed to meeting the Cancun, World Bank, National as well as other safeguards requirements. [ READ MORE... ]
The Cancun Agreements highlighted safeguards for REDD+ as very important to ensure that actions do not cause negative social or environmental impacts.
Countries receiving FCPF funding for readiness preparation through the World Bank are required to ensure compliance with the FCPF Readiness Fund’s common approach to environmental and social safeguards for multiple delivery partners.
The Environmental Assessment Regulations, L.I. 1652, was promulgated in 1999 to give comprehensive legal cover to the Ghana Environmental Impact Assessement Procedures. The Environmental Assessment Regulation 1999, was amended in 2002.
REDD+ safeguards are to avoid negative social and environmental impacts but rather enhance benefits. The Government of Ghana has committed to meeting the Cancun, World Bank, National as well as other safeguards requirements. [ READ MORE... ]
The Cancun Agreements highlighted safeguards for REDD+ as very important to ensure that actions do not cause negative social or environmental impacts.